Cynthia Moos

The Words Whisperer

Born and raised in France, Cynthia recently moves to Colorado with her husband and their daughter to begin a new life, close to the mountains (a change from her native Provence!). She met Amanda at a networking event and instantly knew they would stay connected. Few months later, they met again for coffee and decided to start working together. Cynthia led the rebrand of Keep Social Media Social, and provides strategic and creative direction for the company and some of our agency clients. She dreams of a future of social that entices people to connect more offline and spend less time on screen.

Biggest Win

Leading the rebrand of Keep Social Media Social, from the logo redesign to the mission statement, website copy and newsletter. It's been such a fun and inspiring project!

Favorite Social Platform

Instagram -- I am mindful of who I follow and love getting inspired there


Writing, calligraphy, watercolor, interior design, dancing and exploring beautiful Colorado with my husband and our little girl.

Who would Cynthia love to have dinner with?

Michelle Obama, Brené Brown, Marie Curie and Coco Chanel. I think that would be quite the combo for amazing, deep conversations around the collective power of our humanity (and womanhood)..

Other Team Members

Sarah Philabaum

Larry George II

Reagan Kempton